Automatic Tire Chains
Automatic tire chains? This very well may be something you've never heard of. For some reason more drivers from the USA know about these although we are the ones way up here in the great white north!
We are all very aware of the benefits of chains when it comes to getting proper traction through the snowy roads of Alberta... but do you want to have to get out and put them on your tires every time you see the need? Or would you like to have it done with the simple push of a button? Yeah. Us too. Our shop has a couple of different brands so we can best choose which works for your truck. If you have any questions about how they work or the pricing be sure to call in and we'll help you out. |
Call us today and we'll get this automatic tire chain system installed right away so you're safe when the snow strikes. Ask to take a look at one the next time you're in for our money-saving maintenance. You're going to absolutely love this system!