What are the benefits of diesel fuel conditioners?
If you own or use a heavy-duty diesel vehicle and your days are spent driving it around, chances are you want to maximize the efficiency and output of its engine. While there are many small things you can do to help out with that – even making sure your tires are properly inflated can have a positive effect – one of the biggest contributors is simply putting the right stuff into the engine in the first place. Low-sulphur diesel is just the start. Do you know about the benefits of adding a conditioner to your fuel system?
DFS910 | Diesel Fuel Service 910
One of the hardest parts of owning a diesel vehicle is making sure that all of the parts of your fuel system stay clean, and that your filters are catching all the particulates from the exhaust. With variable quality of diesel fuel and off-the-shelf filters, and many different factors contributing to engine performance, there may be plenty of soot, precipitate, and other fine particulate matter accumulating in your engine. We see a lot of it in the diesel engines we work on – so we made sure we can fix the problem at the source.
What Is The Tesla Cybertruck All About?
If science fiction shows and movies from decades ago were to be believed, by 2020 we’d all have jetpacks, butler robots, and autonomous cars that flew us from place to place. And, while many of those wilder fantasies are still just that, the world is getting closer to futuristic vehicle technology that looks like it’s part of a sci-fi novel of its own.
A big player on this stage is the company Tesla, run by eccentric billionaire (and previous driver of the first car in space) Elon Musk. While their electric cars, like the Tesla 2 and 3, have been around for years, the company made waves in November when they announced the forthcoming release of their pickup, the blocky-looking Cybertruck. But a lot of people don’t realize that years before that, Tesla was in the news for a different truck on their list, which is due to arrive by the end of this year. Have you ever heard of the Tesla Semi? |